Three Critical Guidelines on Handling Your Injured Dog

Canine pets can sustain minor or major injuries when exploring the neighbourhood. Moreover, they might get into fights or rough play with other dogs and receive significant bites or scratches. If you have an adventurous dog as your companion, you should be prepared to deal with some injuries. Proper response during an emergency will prevent the escalation of the problem. Here are some critical guidelines on handling your injured dog.

Approach the Dog With Caution

An injured dog will be in pain, and it will be confused and scared of the circumstances. Therefore, you should approach the canine creature with caution when examining the wound. You should not assume that your gentle companion will not react violently. If the pet feels threatened or you cause more pain during your probing, you could end up with severe scratches or bites. Remember, fear and hurt will make even the sweetest dogs unpredictable. During the examination, you should be slow and gentle in your actions. If the dog shows signs of agitation, you should stop. 

Stabilise the Injury

You should think about stabilising the injury if possible. Basic first aid can prevent the escalation of the problem before you can see the veterinarian. Also, it might reduce the dog's discomfort and promote relaxation. If the dog has open wounds, you should consider bandaging the affected area. This will protect the injury from infection. Also, it will prevent the dog from soothing it by licking. If the leg is broken, you can splint it before moving the creature. However, you should be careful about performing this action if you have never done it in the past. Splinting can cause more pain to the dog, so it will be a dangerous process. 

Prepare for a Vet Clinic

You should prepare to transport the dog to the clinic for emergency treatment. In general, it is advisable to call your veterinarian before leaving your home. Confirm that the practitioner is present and will be ready for you. If your dog is showing signs of aggression, you should think about muzzling to minimise the risk of getting bitten. However, you should never perform this action if the dog is vomiting. You should confine the dog in a carrier or other ventilated container for transportation. Often, this practice will prevent excess movement and subsequent escalation of injury.

Injured dogs should receive first aid at home, but it should not be considered a substitute for quality medical care. You must always consult a veterinarian after an incident. It is possible your dog will need vet surgery and medication.
